Payment of the deposit of $100 for the Registered Course(s) (“Deposit”) as well as a one-time Registration Fee of $50 (“Registration Fee”), together with any tax that may be levied by the Government of Singapore from time to time. The Deposit shall be used to pay for any outstanding amounts owed to the company, which shall include but not limited to, the course fees for the final month of the Registered Course(s). The Registration Fee is non-refundable under any circumstances, and covers the administrative and material costs of the enrollment.
Term course fees are collected two to three weeks in advanced preceding the start of the term.
In the event that the course fee(s) remain(s) unpaid at the end of the fitrst lesson of the term, the company shall disallow the Student from attending any class(es) in the Registered Course(s) and will deduct the lesson’s fees from the Deposit placed in our charge. The Student will only be allowed to resume lessons once the term’s payment has been made in full.
In the event that the Student is registered for any of the Registered Course(s) after a new term has begun, the Student shall only be entitled to receive worksheets from the date on which he/she begins attending the Registered Course(s).
Classes will not be held on the eve of Chinese New Year, the eve of Hari Raya Puasa, the eve of Deepavali, and other public holidays which may be gazetted by the Government of Singapore from time to time. No make-up classes will be scheduled, and no refund of course fees will be given in lieu of any classes which would otherwise be held on the aforementioned days.
The company shall not be obliged to refund any part of the termly course fees in the event that the Student fails to attend any class in the Registered Course(s) for any reason whatsoever. Subject to these General Terms, and in the event that the Student does not turn up for classes, and the fees for that month remain unpaid, the Deposit shall be used to settle the unpaid fees.
MAKE-UP CLASSES: In the event that the Student fails to attend a class in any of his/her Registered Course(s), the company may at its discretion, allow the Student to make up for the missed lesson by attending another ongoing class within the same or other centers during the same academic week (Monday to Sunday) provided that:There is more than one - --
class of the same course, at the same subject and level;
There is vacancy n the class that the Student intends to attend as the make-up class
The Student/Parent submits either of the following original documents: medical certificates or letter from school which states that the Student has compulsory activities, the timing of which clashes with the Student’s class at the Centre; and
The Student has not attended any make-up class for the relevant registered course within the same term
In the event that it is not possible to arrange a make-up class due to no vacancy in other classes, the course fees for the relevant registered course shall not be refunded or prorated, even if the Student has valid reason(s) for missing the class.
WITHDRAWALS & REFUNDS: A written notice of withdrawal must be given at least one calendar month of the Student’s withdrawal from any of the Registered Course(s), and the Deposit shall be used to offset the course fees due for the relevant notice period. In the event that less than one calendar month notice is given, the company shall not be obliged to refund any part of the Deposit. In the event that the Parent decides to withdraw the Student (regardless of reason) before the Registered Course(s) commences, the Deposit shall be forfeited.
In the event that no withdrawal form was received, and the Student has lapsed in attending any of the Centre’s Registered Course(s), the Deposit will be forfeited after six (6) month period of absence.
Unless otherwise stated, all monies paid are non-refundable and non-transferable to another Student, regardless of whether the Registered Course(s) has/have commenced.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY & MEDIA RIGHTS: Unless otherwise stated, the Company owns the intellectual property and/or licensing rights subsisting in all worksheets and other study materials distributed or used during the Registered Course(s), and both Parent and Student are prohibited from copying, reproducing, modifying, distributing, performing or transmitting in any form or by any means whatsoever (including mechanical, electronic, recording, photocopying or otherwise) the abovementioned worksheets and other study materials without the company’s prior written permission. The Company may copy, reproduce, display, distribute and use any photographs or videos taken of the Student during the Registered Course(s), as well as any intellectual property produced by the Student as part of the Registered Course(s). The Company may publish the Student’s academic or other achievements in any form or media at any time, even after the Student has withdrawn from the Centre.
The Company reserves the right to, and shall in its sole discretion, A. transfer, combine or dissolve a class and/or change teachers; and/or B. terminate the Student’s place in any of the Registered Course(s).
While the Company will take reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of the Student, the Company assumes no liability for personal injury, loss or damage to property or of any kind whatsoever which might be sustained by the Student in undertaking any activity or anything during the Registered Course(s), whether under the direction of the Company or otherwise, and generally for any such injury, loss or damage howsoever caused by the willful default of the Company, its servants/staff or agents.
The Parent hereby consents to the collection, use and disclosure of his/her personal data of the Student in accordance with the purposes specified in the aforementioned Personal Data Protection Policy. All the personal data including images will be held in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (Singapore. Images of the Student captured in video recordings and/or photographs will be the copyright of the Company and any other intellectual property which arises in the recordings will also belong to the Company. The Parent and Student agrees to irrevocably assign all property rights in the Student’s performance and/or recordings to the Company. The Parent and Student agree to waive all moral rights in the Student’s performance in the film and/or recordings to the Company. The Company can be requested by the Parent or Student to stop using the Student’s images at any time, in which case, all images (video or photograph) will not be used in future publications but may continue to appear in publications.